A flood is a natural disaster that can occur unexpectedly, regardless of your home’s location. Floods can damage everything, including your home and the belongings inside.
At times like these, you may need to remember to take action regarding things you need to do after a flood damages your property.
If your home has been flooded, here is a list of things you need to do after flood damage:
Switch Off Electricity and Gas
If your home has been flooded, there is a very high likelihood that it has also been damaged by electricity and gas leaks. Switch off both the electricity and gas supply to your property immediately.
You must take extra precautions when doing this, especially when walking in the water, as you could get electrocuted. The best way to do this is by contacting your local power company.
Block the Water Source
Once you have switched off the electricity and gas supply, you need to get rid of any sources that are still leaking. Do this by closing any doors or windows that lead outside your property and blocking up all cracks or holes around the perimeter of the house with sandbags or other materials.
Leave the Premises
Leave the premises immediately and ensure you return when the water levels have dropped. If you have pets or other animals, take them to a safe place away from the flood water.
Avoid returning to the premises until you are sure that it is safe. This is to ensure that you do not risk injury or infection from any contaminated water.
Ask for Professional Assistance
It is important to be aware of the potential damage that flooding can cause, and it is best to seek professional assistance as soon as possible.
The sooner you get in touch with a professional, the more likely you will be able to prevent further damage and restore your home or business to its former state.
Clear Out Debris and Clean Up
Once the flooding has subsided, you must clear out any debris and clean up your home or business. You should start by removing any standing water containing harmful bacteria and pathogens.
A professional restoration company can remove any standing water, clean your home or business and begin drying out your property. They will also assess the damage that has been done to your property and determine what repairs are needed to restore it.
Perform an Indoor Air Test and Mold Test
After restoring your home or business, you should do an indoor air test. The presence of mold can cause serious health problems, and a professional restoration company can identify and remove it from your property. Consider getting a mold inspection done so that any existing mold is not missed during the cleanup process.
One thing’s for sure: flood damage can be devastating. But it doesn’t have to be the end of your home or business. By getting professional help as soon as possible and following these tips above, you can save thousands of dollars and deal with the trauma more quickly and efficiently.
In case you need water damage restoration services, contact Restoration Solutions today. We can help you get back on your feet and restore your home or business to its former glory.